So I thought I'd show you a few of my favourites images I pinned this month.
Lily Collins is one of my favourite actresses at the moment. So much hair inspiration here I have super long hair down way past my waist and I really want to cut my hair this short.
The 70s are back in style for spring. Although as I'm quite short flared trousers don't really suit me at all my legs look like they're drowning in material but I love this 70s style dress from Topshop.
I love white walls and I love brickwork so this is basically my dream bedroom.
And this one is included because it made me laugh way too much. Cards Against Humanity is the best game ever.
I'm thinking of making this kind of post a regular feature on my blog as I always use Pinterest.
If you guys have a Pinterest account put the url in the comments and I'll check it out!